THE THIRD DIMENSION Here is a list of the file extensions used so far to help you know what each one is and if they will work on your computer.This listing will be updated each month with more as i come across them.If you have any to add then let me know at my usual address. A lot of the picture files can be converted between each computer and i will try to add as many convertors as and when i get them.Many other items can also be exchanged.I will try to make the names of the different files on this disk and this listing refer to what they are. Example- Explanation- Border.PI1 PI1 means An Atari uncompressed picture file ( commonly used for borders or loading screens ) Picture.PC1 PC1 means a Compressed Atari picture file. Sample.AVR AVR means An Atari sound sample ( commonly used for samples used in 3D kit 2. Picture.IFF IFF means an Amiga picture file/border. Brush.IFF Iff means also a Brush/Border file extension. ( Amiga/Atari ) sample.IFF IFF means also an Amiga sound sample. ReadMe.TXT TXT means a normal text file usually saved in ASCII format that can be read by nearly all computers e.g.Atari/PC/Amiga etc. Condit.TXT TXT means the same as above but can be used to save 3D kit 2 conditions for use in your game. ReadMe.DOC DOC means a text file usually saved in word processor mode.Used as an Atari file Extension. kit1file. No extension and usually a Kit 1 data file.It can usually be swapped by Atari and PC computers. Myworld.3WD 3WD means a kit 2 Data file. AREA.3AD 3AD means a kit 2 Area file. Object.3OD 3OD means a Kit 2 object file. sound.3NB 3NB means a Beeper sound file ( PC only ) program.BAS BAS is usually a bit of code for a programme usually written in some form of BASIC. sound.3NA 3NA means Ad Lid sound file ( PC only ) sound.3NR 3NR means Roland sound file ( PC only ) sounds.3SM 3SM means Amiga/Atari ST sample banks Picture.NEO NEO means an Atari Neochrome picture file. Picture.LBM LBM is a PC and Amiga picture file/border. Name.EXE EXE is an executable programme Test.BAT BAT is a batch file List.COM COM is a file viewer Please send in more to add to this list.